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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Year 4

Where possible teaching in English should link to the wider curriculum where pupils can build vocabulary to enrich their writing.  From the start pupils should all edit and improve their writing, beginning with reading back simple words or sentences to developing more complex editing strategies throughout the different year groups. Length of teaching units should be determined by the class teacher according to the needs of the class.


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


The Lost Lost Property Office


Outcomes:  List poems based on lost things by Roger McGough and Michael Rosen are used as models for comparison, writing and performance

Windrush Child


Outcomes: With links to the Caribbean and leaving home, Windrush Child by John Agard is the focus with an outcome of a free verse, narrative poem

Look Closely

Outcomes: Various examples of Haiku are explored and written before being joined together with those of others to make a series of linked nature themed ‘renga’.


Gorilla by Anthony Browne

Outcome: Fiction: fantasy story


Leon and the place between by Graham Baker-Smith

Outcome: Recount /diary

Escape From Pompeii by Christina Balit

Outcome: Fiction: historical narrative from character’s point of view


When the Giant stirred by Celia Godkin

Outcome:  Fiction: adventure story from POV of the boy

Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie Baker & Rainforests in 30 Seconds by Jen Green

Outcome:  Information board for a rainforest exhibition

Blue John by Berlie Doherty Clockwork by Phillip Pullman

Outcome: Letters

Explanation – about cave formation for 2/3 days



Outcome: Write own report independently based on notes gathered from several sources.


Outcome: Assemble sequence points in order to plan the presentation of a point of view, using graphs, images, visual aids to make the view more convincing.


Outcome:  Consider different sides of an argument and form evidence for a debate.  Further develop by writing a letter which presents both sides of the argument and a summary of your main points.



Create a flow chart to explain how an invention works; use the notes to write an explanation using an impersonal style.


All books/texts/excerpts used will be selected to enrich language.   Classrooms will be language rich environments and staff will promote a love of reading and writing.  Teachers are encouraged to immerse the children in language through Talk4Writing, book battles, poetry for performance, debate etc….. Teachers may choose one text to delve deeper into to enrich understanding and love for books at any point during the term. Pupils should be encouraged to write and read for pleasure and this should be celebrated.

