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Criftins Church of England Primary School


A Festive Gig

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A Festive Gig! 3 of our pupils performed a guitar demonstration for us with Mr. Kitcher

We raised money for the hospice by doing the Rudolph Run

We had an exciting visitor!

We had a workshop from the Dogs’ Trust about how to be a friend to dogs.

We made French Christmas cards

We dissected owl pellets to see where owls fit into the food chain

Mrs. Long modelled the digestive process.

We talked about the festival of Divali and made Diyas.

Our Current Times Tables Champion

In Music, we are learning to drum.

We studied the teeth of carnivores and herbivores

We enjoyed a special ‘Welcome Back’ edition of picture news. We discussed differences and community and also how we can make sure everyone feels welcome, happy and safe.
