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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Attainment 2023

Unvalidated Data


Well done to our Year 6 pupils for all their hard work over 2022/23. They should all be very pleased with the progress they have made.  We are very proud of their excellent attitudes to learning and the individual strengths in personalities.  We wish them every success as they move on to the next stage of their Education.



Number of pupils in cohort: 16

Number of pupil premium: 1




Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 68.8%

Percentage of pupils achieving the greater depth in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 0%

Number of disadvantaged pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 100%



Average progress scores between end of Key Stage 1 and 2 (Year 2 to Year 6) 

Reading = +2.02

Writing =  +2.61

Mathematics = +2.91


Average scaled score per pupil:

Reading: 105.3

Mathematics: 104.6

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling: 102.9


Individual subject - attainment:

Reading: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard – 75

Reading: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 31.3%


Writing: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard – 87.5% (Moderated by Shropshire LA)

Writing: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 0%


Mathematics: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard – 81.3%

Mathematics: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard – 25%


Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard – 68.8%

Grammar Punctuation & Spelling: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 6.3%


Pupil Premium (1 pupils):

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 100%

Percentage of pupils achieving the greater depth in Reading, Writing and Mathematics combined: 0%


Reading: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard - 100%

Reading: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 0%


Writing: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard - 100%

Writing: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 0%


Mathematics: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard - 100%

Mathematics: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 0%


Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling: percentage of pupils achieving expected standard - 100%

Grammar Punctuation & Spelling: percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard - 0%
