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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Sports Summer 2024

We have been incredibly lucky to be able to welcome Paul Sturgess into school. He is the tallest man in Britain and the tallest basketball player in the world holding the Guinness World Records for both. He has played Basketball for the Harlem Globetrotters travelling to 80 countries throughout his career and now is using his uniqueness in an acting career having been in Lord of the Rings, Avatar 2, Doctor Who and others.He gave the children an inspirational talk about celebrating our uniqueness and harnessing them in a positive way. Each class took part in workshops throughout the day - their shooting skills have definitely improved!

Year group winners from our whole school sports day celebrate in our Sports Assembly!

Congratulations to all the children who have represented Criftins at sporting events this year!

Congratulations to the swimming team who were placed 2nd overall at the county gala representing North Shropshire West. Criftins was represented with a gold in the Individual Breaststroke, gold in the Medley Relay and silver in the Free Relay.

Flag Football was a new event for Criftins. We went to Thomas Adams School to a training event organised by Louis Gray and run by the PE department helped by their brilliant Year 9 Sports Leaders. The morning was taken up with activities and training followed by an afternoon of matches. There were 70 children taking part and our group is now familiar with the rules of how to play.

We took part in National Schools Sports Week with all classes enjoying a daily, extra session of physical activity to promote health, fitness and mental wellbeing. We applied and received a free pack of bibs, footballs and activity cards which we used each morning for all the children.

Our annual school sports day took place on a lovely, sunny afternoon. We had a KS1 field event area which was run and scored by very efficient Young Leaders from Lakelands School and KS2 field events scored by staff followed by the traditional running races. All scores will go forward to an overall house point total.

Queensway - we had an amazing day competing at the Queensway Stadium in Wrexham in our School Games cluster athletics event along with 14 other local schools. 23 children from Criftins took part from Year 3 to Year 6 in throwing, long jump, high jump, sprint, long distance and relay events. It is a wonderful experience for children to take part in an event with others that they know from out of school and those that will meet when they progress as Year 7 pupils. We finished in 2nd place overall in the Small Schools competition. Our annual award, the David Evans trophy, was awarded to one of our Year 6 pupils for his great attitude and progression in sport.

Alexander Stadium, Birmingham - we had a great opportunity, as part of the Marches Academy Trust, to travel to Birmingham to the wonderful Alexander Stadium to take part in an athletics event with other schools from the trust. The children were able to have a go at a variety of different sports like hammer throw, discus and shot putt.

Our KS2 children are taking part in the TCS Mini London Marathon, they will complete 2.6 miles over the course of the week on our Daily Mile track as part of this national event.

Our Criftins Cross Country team took part in the final meet of the Year with 17 children taking part from Years 3 to 6.

An amazing afternoon on the school field with Lara from Shropshire Cricket teaching the Year 4, 5 and 6 children batting and fielding skills.

Border Counties School of Dance - Jenna has been into school to teach the Years 4 and 5 children some dance. After their warm up they practised some moves, then we’re able to work in small groups and come up with their own ideas. They finished the session with her teaching a dance to music which they were able to perform as a class.

Orienteering - our team of 4 took part in the cluster Orienteering competition at the Marches School. There are 3 sections to the competition: matching symbols, netball numbers and field orienteering. Our team did an amazing job running non-stop in all 3 parts of the competition and securing third place just 1 point behind the winners.

Year 4 and 5 Girls Cricket

Shropshire Schools Half Marathon
