Home School Agreement
As a school we will:
Create a caring and safe environment for children to learn;
Promote British Values: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect and tolerance;
Promote our Christian Values: courage; respect; forgiveness; friendship; perseverance and compassion.
Support children in their learning journey and encourage a positive ‘growth mindset’;
Encourage children to take care of others and their surroundings;
Inform parents of their children’s progress by sharing age related expectations, through meeting them and reporting on their children’s progress, through reports and school open days;
Provide age appropriate homework tasks;
Keep parents informed about school activities through newsletters the school’s website and the school APP;
Celebrate achievement together.
Teacher: _______________________________________________________
As parents/guardians, I/we will:
Ensure children attend school every day and on time, informing the school of any absence promptly on the day, by phone, letter or email;
Respect and support the school’s policies, procedures and values;
Support my child/children to complete homework tasks set which consolidate work completed in class;
Work in partnership with the school to support children’s learning and behaviour;
Make the school aware of any problems or concerns that may affect children’s progress or behaviour;
Actively promote responsibility and independence.
As a pupil I will:
Follow the school, class rules & school values;
Respect and support others and their belongings;
Take responsibility for my own learning and behaviour;
Tell someone if I have a concern or problem;
Come to school fully prepared for the day ahead.