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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!



I would like to give a warm welcome to class 2 where we are having a wonderful year together in a safe and nurturing environment. 


This is a class of Year 2 and 3 children who are enthusiastic, independent, welcoming, and caring. Class 2 is the perfect place to have fun and to gain lots of new experiences amongst friends. I am the class teacher, and my name is Miss Suckley. I was new to the school September 2022 beginning my first year as a qualified teacher, and I love teaching the children in class 2!


I am joined by Mrs. Pitcher who will always be around to guide and support as well. Class 2 are fortunate to have the support from Miss Banks, Miss Onley and Mrs Humphrey's too! In class 2, the children will be challenged to be the best they can be, but they will do this through exciting and inspiring lessons. Class 2 does not accept anything other than a bright, cheerful smile every morning and we will endeavour to ensure that these do not fall throughout the day!


Please click on the links below to browse through our topic web, class information, and knowledge map to see what we have planned during the year. Regularly check our gallery to see what we have been getting up to. 


Key Information


Show and Tell Monday Afternoon

3 Rules of Show and Tell:

1. Something homemade.    

2. Something connected to our current learning or learning that we have done.          

3. A recent medal, certificate or exciting visit/event. 


Forest School (Science Outdoor Learning)- Monday Morning. 

Please come to school wearing your forest school clothes, and bring your waterproofs and wellies in a bag. 

It is also a great idea to bring a spare pair of clothes just in case. 


PE- Monday 

Please come to school dressed in your Forest School Clothes that are also suitable to wear for PE (e.g. jogging bottoms with trainers). We would prefer if they did NOT wear Jeans. All children should have a water bottle in school (Please note only water is accepted) 


PE- Tuesday 


Homework- Homework books have been handed out for pupils to use for any home learning. If there is any extra home learning, you will be informed via the app or it will be sent home with your child. 


Spellings-We no longer have weekly spelling tests, however it is still important for children to continue practicing their high frequency/ common exception words for their year group. We will be having a daily spelling lesson too. Please practice these regularly and phonics spelling tests will take place throughout the year to ensure pupils are secure in their phonics. It is always important to practice spellings as part of a sentence. Once you have practiced spellings I am happy to see the sentences that you have written, so please do bring them in to me. 


Math's Whizz-This is part of the weekly homework that I will be checking every Monday. Year 2s are expected to complete 30 minutes a week. Year 3s are expected to complete between 30 and 40 minutes a week. It is great to see the amount of progress made on mathswhizz throughout the year. I can access how much they have done via the website and we look at the minutes together as a class. We also look at the amount of progressions each pupil has completed. 


Reading- Please read every day for as long as possible and record this in your home reading record. Adults will be checking regularly. We love to see your reading progress and celebrating when a pupil moves up a level :) 


Times Tables - We have a weekly test on times tables that the children should be regularly practicing. Hit the button is a great way to learn times tables. The multiplication progression is as follows: 2, 10, 5, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and finally mixed. If they correctly answer all questions on their test, they will move up to the following multiplication. 



Many thanks, 

Miss Suckley 




Summer 2024 Topic Web

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