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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Pupil Premium 2024/25


Pupil premium strategy statement – Criftins CE Primary School

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils from the last academic year.

School overview



Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils

 19 %

Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

2024 - 2027

Date this statement was published

December 2024

Date on which it will be reviewed

September 2025

Statement authorised by

Meresedge Federation Governing Body

Pupil premium lead

Gino Rushton

Chair of Governors

Elizabeth Edwards

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year




Pupil premium (and recovery premium*) funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)



Total budget for this academic year

£ 25160

Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

· To maximise potential by offering pupils an ambitious curriculum that is broad and balanced.

· To consistently promote the personal development of disadvantaged pupils.

· To provide opportunities for disadvantaged pupils.

Aims of our PP strategy

· Improve the quality of teaching for all disadvantaged pupils to close the gap on attainment and ensure progress across all curriculum areas

· Promote punctuality and attendance and reduce the percentage of absenteeism by developing strong relationships with families and working with external agencies including our Educational Welfare Officer.

· Promote well-being, mental health and safeguarding.

· To provide a clear sequence of learning so that the children can build on their prior knowledge and skills and make accelerated progress in knowing and remembering more.

· To promote a love of learning and enjoyment of school through provision of an exciting curriculum filled with an ambitious curriculum and wider experiences.

· Ensure all adults working with children understand and value the importance of adaptive and inclusive teaching and learning to engage and develop disadvantaged pupils


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Provide wrap around care and opportunities beyond the working school day.


Attainment gap between PP pupils and ‘all pupils’ nationally.


Ensuring Mental Health and Well Being


Understanding of the wider world


Attendance and Punctuality

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria


    • Reduce absence figure and improve


    • Bring Pupil premium attendance figures in line with non-pupil premium in school.


    • All pupils arrive on site and registered by 9am.
    • School communicates effectively to ensure all absences are recorded and monitored. EWO is used to support the process.
    • Wake and Shake Exercise Initiative promotes attendance and raises fitness and engagement levels. 8.40am start.

Attainment Gap:



    • Pupils will engage in a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum
    • Teachers and support staff to plan and deliver sequences of learning that build on prior knowledge and extend understanding.
    • Teachers will use adaptive techniques to foster engagement in all aspects of the curriculum.
    • Teachers and support staff will use        strategies of engagement such as Teach Like A Champion.
    • Lessons will have very few disruptions due to high standards of behaviour using reminder and restorative practices.
    • Teachers will use Pathways To Write English to encourage a love of reading and make links to imaginative and creative writing.
    • Pupils will engage in a range of strategies including drafting, editing and peer collaboration.
    • Pupils language and vocabulary development will improve through key vocabulary and focused knowledge maps
    • High quality targeted support will be planned to give disadvantaged pupils the support they require.
    • Half termly assessments will be used to monitor and inform teachers planning and required support for pupils.









    • Daily Teaching of John Murray Guided Reading sessions to encourage and      develop reading strategies and              comprehension based skills.
    • High quality systematic phonics    teaching to be embedded across EYFS and Key Stage One. Phonics tracking tools to identify gaps in phoneme knowledge to be targeted with high quality interventions.
  • Development of reading fluency across all pupils to include paired reading, guided reading sessions, 1-2-1 reading with an adult, reading for pleasure
  • School to promote a love of reading through an active and widely used        Library, choice of engaging books and High Quality text linked to English     Pathways Writing sessions.



  • Teachers plan and deliver daily Maths   Fluency.
    • Teachers follow Powermaths to develop reasoning and problem solving skills.
    • Children across school follow a sequenced and age related Powermaths Curriculum
    • Assessment is used as end of unit checks, review and also Standardised Tests       currently Hodder PUMA completed termly following a Baseline Test.
    • Home Learning focuses on pupils           accessing The Online Tutoring Program MathsWhizz in order to complete at least 2 progressions each week.





  • Reading outcomes in Key stage One and two to be in line with prior National data of at least 75% expected or above.
  • Greater depth outcomes in Key Stage one and two to be in line with, or within one pupil of, prior National data for reading of 25%.
  • Pupil premium outcomes to be in line with peers in school and prior National data of 75 to 78%.
  • Pupil premium Greater depth outcomes to be in line with prior National data of 28%.
  • Phonics scores to be at least in line with National data of 82%
























Teachers and support staff will encourage pupil interaction and engagement ensuring high quality focused learning takes place.









Teachers and adults will adapt teaching methods and directed teaching time to ensure pupil learning is engaging, well delivered and ensures learning takes place.







Strategies such as Teach Like a Champion, active listening will be used to develop cognitive development and engagement.


Resources will be used to develop a variety of teaching strategies and ensure visual, kinaesthetic and auditory learners are able to access teaching and learning in a more appropriate and child friendly manner.









Wider Curriculum

  • All pupils will access an ambitious  curriculum that covers a wide range of linked and sequenced learning to develop interest, engage learning and deepen subject knowledge.


  • Disadvantaged pupils attainment is in line with or above national progress measures.
  • Disadvantaged pupils have an equitable  experience and opportunity, in line with their non-PP peers.

Mental Health and Well Being

  • All pupils to feel valued and demonstrate that they are happy, feel safe and able to learn.
  • A support network of ELSA provision is in place to support pupils with emotional needs.
  • School adopts a kind, caring and nurturing environment.
  • All pupils connect before content, are included in daily activity, sensory and movement breaks.
  • Disadvantaged pupils with specific needs will receive targeted support and wellbeing through ELSA and Rest Easy Programs of support
  • Pupils are actively encouraged to engage in active play, daily mile and consistently 2 hours of PE each week.
  • All staff value each other. Criftins is a caring and supportive community which puts at the heart the core of Christian Values and family life.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium funding this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

High Quality Teaching

Autumn Term Budgeted cost: £ £6155

High Quality Teaching

Evidence that supports this approach


Including support in :

  • Planning, preparation and delivery of an ambitious curriculum -
  • Guided reading
  • Powermaths
  • Maths Fluency
  • English Pathways


Pupils learning and engagement maximised through timely support, adaptive teaching and targeted support.


Teachers know their pupils well and are able to adapt and refine teaching strategies and resources to maximise effectiveness.



Wider strategies - Wrap Around Care support

Autumn Term Budgeted cost: £ £6675


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Breakfast Club

After School Club

Other after school clubs.

Pupils will attend before and after school to support and develop a wide range of skills including physical, mental and social.

PP pupils will benefit from wider experiences, develop resilience and confidence, understand about interaction and engagement through active and supportive events and activities.





Wider Strategies

Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed


This investment recognises the critical link between emotional well-being and academic success, aiming to furnish PP pupils with resilience, confidence, and improved social skills.


Subscription to Shropshire Library Service will enrich pupils’ reading and research capabilities by providing access to an extensive range of books, digital resources, and educational programs.


Pupils emotional well-being will be supported. Pupils will be provided with support networks and also coping strategies to help them to flourish.




Disadvantaged pupils will be able to access a broader range of fiction and non fiction books that develop reading ability and also a more informed knowledge of the wider world.



1, 2, 3











Subscription of Weekly Picture News which develops the concept of world news and events globally. Year 6 pupils will deliver this as part of whole school collective worship. By engaging with real-world issues, PP pupils will gain a broader perspective of global issues, thoughts and opinions, knowledge and understanding.









Targeted Support

Autumn Term Budget allocation £1959

Targeted intervention and additional support by additional adults including :


Spelling, grammar and punctuation activities

Letters and sounds and handwriting

Additional Reading

Toe by Toe


Sensory involvement and support

Disadvantage pupils supported in class by additional adults.

PP able to access the curriculum, working independently through supported practise, adaptive teaching and further instructions and assistance.

Specific session are timely and concise in delivery ensuring catch up strategies are used to support and develop pupil learning.

Intervention is used as a way to support overall development and also as a means to consolidate prior learning missed through lack of engagement, attendance and punctuality.

Pupils given time to develop confidence and ability within specific programmes of support and intervention



Total budgeted cost: September 2024 – July 2025 £ 25160

Autumn Term Allocation £ £12228



Part B: Review of the previous academic year

Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

Success of the intended outcomes of the 23-24 plan

  • Areas of need continue to be identified rapidly
  • Pastoral support in place both in class groups and specific targeted time
  • Additional safeguarding team members trained
  • Pupils in KS2 have all accessed First Aid training through the Mini Medics programme. 
  • CHATT intervention in place and talk a high priority in the classroom. Children Having Additional Talk Time
  • Caring4kids team continues to ensure that pupil support is reviewed
  • Pupil premium system for support is embedded 
  • National college training on Trauma, Attachment and Safeguarding used to enhance induction for new members of staff. 
  • 100% disadvantaged pupils have taken up the offer of extended school clubs
  • 100% disadvantaged pupils have experienced enrichment activities such as artists, poets, musicians throughout the school year

Where additional support is required.

  • Online platforms such as Seesaw, Maths Whizz and Bug Club already well established to support learners.  Additional technology provided. 
  • Curriculum provision and review by leaders to ensure all pupils could access our context specific curriculum.  Knowledge required and subject approach reviewed.
  • Outcomes for pupils are above national   Pupils have been targeted and supported and curriculum has been adapted (not narrowed) to ensure pupils get the support they need to progress both emotionally and academically. 
  • The approach to supporting disadvantaged pupils is consistent across all year groups and the school knows its pupils and families well. 
  • Parent engagement is high with 100% parents surveyed would recommend the school
  • 100% parents say they know how to support their child's learning. 

Additional meetings for disadvantaged pupils are provided termly.   Parents/carers engagement with targeted plans is high. 

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you used your pupil premium (or recovery premium) to fund in the previous academic year.



PIRA/ PUMA assessments for reading, maths, spelling and grammar





Whizz Education

Toe by Toe

Keda Cowling

TT Rockstars

Maths Circle

