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Criftins Church of England Primary School



Our curriculum sits first with in our locality.   In our school we believe that ‘context’ is unique to the pupils and members of the community. We are a rural school and our curriculum embraces the outdoors. It is our intention to teach the children first about their local area, community responsibility, and how each of them as individuals have a unique role to play.  We believe that if children have a deep understanding of their local area and heritage they will be able to apply that learning on a national and international level. Our curriculum encourages children to ask questions, share opinions and listen to one another.   We promote open mindedness and life long learning. 


Follow the subject links to see how we implement the curriculum across the school and look across the website to see the impact.

For further information about our curriculum please read our curriculum statement and long term plans. If you would like to have more detail about individual subjects use the 'contact us' at the bottom of the page and we will direct you to the subject leader. 

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.

Criftins C of E Primary School is situated in the Shropshire Countryside and we like to make the most of our natural resources.  Please take a look at our Forest School page by clicking on the link below.  We have such fun enjoying the great outdoors. 

All the way through life we are LEARNERS. We talk about the 'learning cycle' in our school to help children understand that learning is a process.

Random Pupil Selector

This is a time each week where children can share their work with the Headteacher and talk about their learning. It’s a great session to hear children's ideas about how we can move learning forward in our school.  It is also a time to reflect on which learning has been the most enjoyable or challenging.  We do a lot of celebrating and the children are given a certificate and a sticker at the end of the session.   We have also been known to share a biscuit or two because every good meeting has refreshments. 

Find out more about our curriculum
