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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Autumn Term 2022

Father Christmas Visit.

Today was magical when we were visited by Father Christmas.

Christmas Jumper Day! Raising money for a fabulous cause- Save the Children.

In Science, we investigated gears.

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Children in Need.

Tinker with Logo

Today was great fun as all of class 3 and class 4 joined together to help each other use both Tinkercad and MSW Logo.

Anti-Bullying Week.

This week is a National Week of awareness for Anti-Bullying. A week for all of us to focus on how we are treated but also how we treat others.

Lest we forget…..

Remembrance Poppies.

Today we worked together to produce a whole school display to remember those who have given up their lives through war. This Friday marks the annual remembrance of what we often think of as Poppy Day. Listening in the hall was important for all of us to understand this special occasion, held on the 11th day of the 11 th month on the 11th hour. Using an origami video we worked together to create our own poppy which is then placed into a photograph of our hands.

Young Health Champions.

Mental Health awareness is so important and today all of Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 found out more about community projects and health awareness. After meeting in the hall both Jess and Lynne supported us back in our class to understand more about the project.

Samantha Jones and The Oswestry Shop Front Project.

Today we welcomed Samantha into school to talk to both Class 3 and Class 4 about a wonderful opportunity. Oswestry town centre has a project for us to help with - the design process of a listed building shop front. Engaging in a project like this is a real task of design and architecture.

A Child’s Garden.

Inspired by our Reading Book Study we set about responding to the text. This incredibly powerful story written by Michael Fireman is a story of hope and friendship amidst two war torn countries. It also portrays how FRIENDSHIP can exist even in the most difficult of times. A perfect story for our School Value.


A special time for the whole school to gather and celebrate in church.

In science, we tested different shapes for water resistance.

Wow! Best-selling author Ben Clanton spoke to Y5 live from Seattle!

Design Technology and Tinkercad.

Today we returned to our DT work and 3d designs. The Tinkercad App on Apple devices is a great program for manipulating shapes and also being able to design and rotate from all angles our Shell Structure designs.

Saltmine Theatre Company

Today we met with The Saltmine Theatre Company who shared with us an incredible performance linked to Stories from both the Old Testament and The New Testament. It was fun watching and learning all about stories from the Bible.

Poetry fun with Ian Bland.

Today was an awesome day as we met, created and worked with the hugely talented and entertaining Ian Bland. Following our whole school assembly each class worked with Ian to create a piece of fun poetry work. Great fun, great learning.

Design Technology and Autodesk Tinkercad

Speaking with Lakelands Academy we came across an amazing 3d design App called Tinkercad. This free program allows users to create 3d designs that can then be viewed, rotated and manipulated on screen. These designs can then be printed out in 3d, using a 3d printer.


Computing is an important part of everyday life and a huge part of our curriculum. Together we downloaded the Windows based program of MSWLogo which uses computing commands to create onscreen images.

Financial Understanding.

This week we focused on earning money and where that money can go. We were also able to think about accountancy and how money can be recorded as money in and money out. Our income is money coming in but our outgoings such as bills is our money going out.

Magic Movie Drawing.

Many of us just don’t know where to start when drawing people. Using the talent and skill of one of our year 6 we had a wonderful demonstration and teaching of how to draw people. Let’s hope for no more Stickmen !

Drawing People

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No more Stickmen.

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Science : Forces.

Science in action ! Our new Science display is coming on nicely. Each week we make sure we are developing our science curriculum. Already we have tested for air resistance and begun thinking about forces around us.

Geography Topic Under Construction.

Every subject is important but each term we focus on deepening knowledge in different areas of the curriculum. This term we are concentrating on Geography and the study of our Local Heritage. Already we have used maps and visited both Oswestry Town centre and the Old Hill Fort. Have a look at our Ongoing Display wall and some of the work in our books. 

Design Technology : Anyone for pi ?

Today class 3 and class 4 worked together to think about drawing and constructing shell structures. Using the basic concept of a pen tidy which uses cylinders we set about thinking how this would be designed. Together we practised drawing using a calculator and also using pi to calculate the circumference of the circle. Joining a correct rectangular length to our circle would mean calculating the circumference using pi.

Did increasing the size of the parachute’s canopy slow it down?

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We looked at how air resistance slows down the rate of a parachute’s fall.

Virgin Money with Natasha.

It was great to welcome Natasha back to work with all our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to find out more about money, finance and economics. Today we were able to find out more about future prospects and different types of jobs. We also learnt about key specific words associated with future careers.

Scrapyard Squad.

A huge part of being a Year 6 is about taking on responsibility. This term our team of Year 6 have been organising and setting up The Scrapyard. This is a place for creativity, art and imagination. Using recycled items and other bits of often thrown away things, our children can use them to make things. Our Year 6 team decided to create an Autumn Activity Challenge. It was great to see the pupils having fun during their break time.

Rest Easy.

Today our ambassadors for Mental Health visited each class to talk about the support available to all pupils through our Rest Easy Program. Being able to call on support, use breathing techniques or even just take some time out is so important. Looking after our Mental Health is about looking after ourselves.

Oswestry Town Centre and The Old Hill Fort.

Today was all about real hands on research and observation for our Geography and History topics. We visited Oswestry Town centre to examine the layout of the town, the type of shops but also links to the Historical changes. It was fabulous to see the Old Motte and Bailey Castle and how the town has progressed and changed. In the afternoon we visited the Old Hill Fort and walked to the top with our wonderful guide Mrs. Philips. The views were stunning.

Did the bottles land at the same time.

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In science, we tested Galileos’s theory about the rate at which objects fall.

Lifeline at Oswestry Showground.

This year the Rotary Club was able to offer their fantastic Lifeline Life Skills experience to Year 6 pupils acros all Shropshire schools. With a mix of experiences from farm safety, medical emergencies, water safety and even a real experience of observing safe braking distances for a car travelling at different speeds. A huge thankyou to all the team at Lifeline.

National Day of Prayer.

Today was a special day where we all gathered together to think about our Christian Faith. After gathering together in the hall the whole school walked around our locality on a special prayer walk. Special time together celebrating a special day.

History :Timelines and The Oswestry Hill Fort.

This week we started the process of identifying different time periods and how our study on The Hill Fort will fit into our week. Next week we will be visiting Oswestry Town Centre and The Hill Fort.

Music with Shropshire Music Service.

Each week we split into year groups for some wonderful involvement, music fun and learning with Tim Kitcher from the Shropshire Music Service. Learning and engaging in music is a wonderful experience and also a change from many other lessons.

Open Evening and The Marches.

Today we welcomed Mrs Pearson who came to talk about year 7 transition and The Marches School. It was great for all of year 6 to meet and greet and an opportunity to ask questions.

Life Skills and Money.

Today we welcomed Natasha from Virgin Money to work with our Year 5 and Year 6 to develop their understanding on money and finance. Learning about money is important as a long term life skill. Knowing how money transactions take place, how money is exchanged around the world and how saving and borrowing money takes place.

Design Technology : Shell Structures.

This week class 3 and 4 worked together investigating our new and exciting DT Unit of work. We began by considering 2d and 3 d shapes and then onto Nets of shapes followed by research. Each week we will build on our knowledge and understanding.
