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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Complaints Policy

Statement of intent 

Mere’s Edge Federation Schools aim to resolve all complaints at the earliest possible stage and is dedicated to continuing to provide the highest quality of education possible throughout the procedure.  


The Complaints Procedures Policy has been created to deal with any complaint against a member of staff or the school as a whole, relating to any aspects of the school or the provision of facilities or services. 


It is the aim of this policy to be impartial, non-adversarial, respectful, and confidential. The policy is underpinned by schools values, aims and ongoing development.  


Any person, including a member of the public, is able to make a complaint about the provision of facilities or services that the school provides. This policy outlines the procedure that the complainant and school must follow.  


Once a complaint has been made, it can be resolved or withdrawn at any stage. 


The Executive Headteacher will be the first point of contact when following the complaints procedure.  
