Mere’s Edge Federation Writing Policy
At Mere’s Edge Federation we believe that it is essential for pupils to develop as independent, enthusiastic and creative writers, who can compose writing in a meaningful way. They should be confident in their choice of genre and language style for a specific purpose. Pupils should regard themselves as writers and value their own work and that of others. These writing skills should be consolidated, applied and enhanced throughout every area of the curriculum.
We aim for pupils to be able to:
At Mere’s Edge Federation it is expected that the above aims are embedded across all areas of our curriculum, giving children the opportunity to experience writing for a range of purposes and audiences.
To develop the skills and understanding needed for this we deliver a challenging and inspiring English curriculum that provides many purposeful opportunities to develop writing skills.
At Mere’s Edge Federation we follow the Pathways to Write scheme from EYFS to Year 6, this provides a clear progression of skills in writing whilst focusing on high quality texts and language. Pathways to Write is built around units of work that develop vocabulary, reading and writing skills through the mastery approach linked to high quality texts.
The Key elements of Pathways to Write are:
At Mere’s Edge Federation handwriting is taught by following Kinetic Letters. Kinetic letters is a sequential teaching programme that builds on the skills required to become fluent with handwriting. The programme begins by focusing on learning through movement and multisensory experiences in EYFS. This physical approach develops concentration, motor skills and develops stamina to become a fluent writer. As the sequence of lessons and skills continue children become confident and accurate with letter formation and build towards using joined, legible and consistent handwriting.
At Mere’s Edge Federation we follow the Rising Stars Spelling programme which provides weekly spelling lists for children from Year 1 to Year 6. These spellings progress through the spelling patterns and common exception words as recommended in the English National Curriculum. Spellings are sent home for children to practise over the course of the school week and assessed weekly. Pupils benefit from verbal feedback in lessons and are encouraged to spell accurately and correct their own work.
Pupils will make progress from their own personal starting points. By the end of Year Six they will be able to write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Pupils will acquire a wide vocabulary and have a strong command of the written word.
Most importantly, they will develop a love of writing and be well equipped for the next stage of their education.
How the Impact is assessed
Informal assessment is on-going and forms part of every lesson, feeding into teacher’s planning. Pupils are involved in self and peer assessment (See Feedback policy). Teachers provide feedback to pupils on a daily basis, either in written or verbal form. This feedback focuses on how the lesson objectives have been achieved and the next steps.
Each half term children complete an independent piece of writing to be formally assessed against the National Curriculum objectives.
Writing in school is monitored by the English Lead, class teachers, the Executive Headteacher and the link Governor for English.
Policy reviewed September 2021 by Kim Baker.