Welcome to Class 1!
Welcome to Class 1.
We are a mixed nursery and reception class. The class teacher is called Mrs Careless-Jones and we have a full time classroom support assistant called Mrs Ellis.
We are looking forward to filling the pages with lovely photographs showing you what we are up to.
Please check in regularly to see how hard we have been working!
Please look at the letters and information tab for extra information.
Extra details:
Monday -School uniform
Tuesday - Outdoor learning (children to wear outdoor clothes and bring wellies in a named bag)
Wednesday - PE session (children come to school in PE kit and do not get changed)
Thursday - School uniform
Friday - School uniform
Reading books will be changed on a Friday but children need their bookbags and books in school every day.
PE will be Friday so please dress in PE kit.
Outdoor learning will be Monday so please dress in Outdoor clothing and bring wellies in a named carrier bag.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be school uniform.