This Policy is written with reference and consideration Section 51A of the Education Act, 2022, Section 175 of the Education Act, 2002, Sections 88-94 of the Education and Inspections Act, 2006 and the
2010 Equality Act.
Behaviour Statement:
This policy identifies the commitment by staff to uphold the beliefs and values of Criftins CE Primary School. All staff want to create a safe, respectful, and positive environment. Our School rules are based on the concepts of: We want all pupils to be happy, feel safe and be able to learn.
Criftins CE Primary School has a well-respected position within the local community and we believe our pupils are a huge part of that community. As such, we expect all individuals to support our behaviour policy, which outlines our expectations of conduct and the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. It is essential, as adults, that we understand that behaviour can be taught and we must support our pupils in developing the skills of making good decisions, considering the impact on others, ensuring that pupils know how to resolve conflict and also learn from their mistakes.
Our Behaviour Policy recognises that we are a learning community and we should respect and listen to one another. Our School Mission is to provide an environment where all pupils can ‘Achieve, Believe and Celebrate’ which is underpinned by the Biblical teaching in Jeremiah 29v11.
This policy is used by all staff at Criftins CE Primary School to ensure that our pupils are treated fairly and supported throughout their working day. Pupils know they will be listened to and their voice is important. We believe the basis of good all-round behaviour is developed through pupils understanding the concepts of co-operation and respect for themselves and others.
It is our aim that by the time pupils leave our care they can self-regulate their behaviour and develop an attitude where they will make a difference to their lives and the world they live in.
Promoting positive behaviour:
We want all our pupils to enjoy coming to school and to understand that acceptable behaviour is when pupils take responsibility for their own actions and their own learning. We reward good choices, good decisions and good behaviour through two main systems:
• House Points – This physical reward using coloured counters, brings individuals together through a team effort. House Point totals are announced in our Celebration Assemblies and the winning team is rewarded each term;
• Class Dojo – This online visual Reward System acknowledges individual achievement. Pupils in classes are able to select skills to focus on and as pupils achieve these skills their individual performance is recorded. Each term we celebrate with an ‘Afternoon-Tea’ style reward for those pupils from each year group with the most Dojo points collected.
We also have a number of ways that we reward and celebrate good behaviour. See Appendix 1 for further guidance.
Dealing with inappropriate behaviour:
Criftins staff understand and recognise that all pupils need to be treated equally and fairly but also understand the importance of adapting behaviour to meet the specific needs of pupils. Pupils who have emotional needs, individual care plans, SEND provision, have suffered trauma and life changing events will need greater support, care and sensitivity.
Wherever a pupil is on school premises or out of school on an organised trip, event or visit, if an incident occurs staff will follow this simple procedure:
Reminders – All classes use a Reminder Chart.
• Reminder 1: Verbal reminder.
• Reminder 2: Two minutes thinking time.
• Reminder 3: Five minutes think time during the next break.
• Reminder 4: Fifteen minutes working in another class.
• Reminder 5: A phone call to parents.
NO pupil should be receiving more than 5 Reminders in one day
When staff become involved in dealing with inappropriate behaviour they endeavour to:
• Talk with the pupil finding out what has happened. This may lead to a more detailed investigation involving other pupils. In some situations, staff may need to allow ‘time’ for the pupil to calm down before talking to them.
• Remind pupils of our 3 School Rules: Happy, Safe, Learn. Discuss and develop how the behaviour incident does not support these rules.
• Staff will talk to the pupil about the ‘choices’ they have made and use the language of our School Values to support the discussion. Our School Values are: Respect, Perseverance, Creativity, Forgiveness, Courage and Friendship.
• The purpose of any investigation is to find out what caused the event (trigger), find out what happened (incident) and discuss how to best move forward (resolution)
• The My Concern Website is used to record and track behaviour incidents. All incidents of negative behaviour should be entered onto My Concern so that pupil behaviour can be supported and managed by the Class Teacher, Safeguarding and Senior Leadership Team.
• Class Dojo is only used to record POSITIVE behaviour.
Behaviour which requires planned intervention:
Some pupils need additional support with their behaviour, due to variety of reasons. We work closely with parents/carers to put in place behaviour care plans to support children. Where a pupil is supported with a behaviour care plan, regular meetings will be set up with the parent/carer to monitor the behaviour closely. This may also involve outside agencies and other professionals to support the school team.
Pupils who are consistently requiring ‘Reminders’ may need further support. This could include:
• Short term loss of privileges- this is particular relevant and appropriate to our Y6 pupils who have Prefect responsibilities around school;
• Supervised Break/Lunch which could mean the pupil needs to remain close to a staff member;
• Pupil undertakes a SMART target Behaviour Monitoring Chart;
• Pupil receives timely intervention nurture support and a Behaviour Care Plan is implemented.
Serious or adversely unacceptable incidents:
Staff, pupils and parents/carers must be aware that some incidents occurring in and around school will require the involvement of parents immediately. All parties will then discuss the incident/problem and look for solutions. The school will endeavour to support the child and parents/carers. In return we expect the support of the parents/carers and the pupil for any action that may be required. In some cases, an exclusion is imposed. Exclusion procedures outlined by the local authority will be shared, discussed and followed.
Physical restraint:
In some incidents the school staff at Criftins may need to make use of physical intervention. All members of the school staff team may have to use reasonable physical contact and reasonable force to control, restrain, or direct pupils. This is used where pupil behaviour is not safe and is used to protect those pupils from hurting themselves, hurting others or damaging school property. (DfE guidance published in 2013 on the ‘Use of Reasonable Force’).
What is reasonable force?
• The term ‘reasonable force’ covers the broad range of actions used by teachers that involve a degree of physical contact with pupils. This is more commonly referred to as Positive Handling
• Force is either used to control or restrain. This can range from guiding a pupil to safety by the arm through to more extreme circumstances such as breaking up a fight or where a pupil needs to be restrained to prevent violence or injury.
• ‘Reasonable in the circumstances’ means using no more force than is needed.
• Criftins CE School staff use reasonable force to control pupils and to restrain them. Control means either passive physical contact, such as standing between pupils or blocking a pupil’s path, or active physical contact, such as leading a pupil by the arm out of a classroom.
• Restraint means to hold back physically or to bring a pupil under control. It is typically used in circumstances, where a pupil is fighting and refusing to stop or is acting in a manner that may place them in harm or danger. Pupils refusing to follow instructions and subsequently attempting to carry out any act that places them or others at risk of harm may involve restraint.
• School staff recognise how restraint needs to be conducted to avoid acting in a way that might cause injury, but this may not always be possible.
Staff receive training recommended by the local authority and this is re-evaluated at the time of the updating of this policy to identify the need for further training to meet the specific needs of pupils.
When can reasonable force be used?
• Reasonable force can be used to prevent pupils form hurting themselves or others, from damaging property or from causing disorder,
• In a school, force is used for two main purposes – to control pupils or to restrain them.
• The decision on whether or not to physically intervene is down to the professional judgement of the staff member concerned and should always depend on the individual circumstances.
Schools CANNOT use force as a punishment – it is unlawful to use force as a punishment.
The role of governors.
The Head of School has the day-to-day responsibility of managing the school. However, the governing body has the responsibility of agreeing principles and standards of behaviour, and of reviewing their effectiveness. The governors support the Senior Leadership Team in carrying out these standards.
Suspension and permanent exclusions:
The Head teacher has the power to suspend and permanently exclude a pupil from school. The procedures laid out by Shropshire Local Authority are followed for all exclusions. The Head teacher may exclude a pupil for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any one school year. The Head teacher may also exclude a pupil permanently. It is also possible for The Head teacher to convert a suspension into a permanent exclusion, if the circumstances warrant this.
In most cases, pupils likely to be excluded will have undergone behaviour support which has failed to address and support the child. Discussions with parent/carers will already have taken place and these discussions will have included the possibility of suspension and exclusion taking place if the behaviour displayed does not improve. Parents/carers can, if they wish, appeal against a suspension or permanent exclusion to the governing body. Appeal processes are available on our Criftins CE School Website.
When head teachers suspend or permanently exclude a pupil they must, without delay, notify parents. Legislative changes mean that if a pupil has a social worker, or if a pupil is looked-after, the head teacher must now, also without delay after their decision, notify the social worker
The governing body has a pupil discipline committee. This committee considers any exclusion appeals on behalf of the governors. When an appeals panel meets to consider an exclusion, they consider the circumstances in which the pupil was excluded, consider any representation by parents and the LA, and consider whether the pupil should be reinstated.
Screening, confiscation and searching pupils.
Staff at Criftins CE Primary School have the right to search any pupils' belongings if they have reasonable grounds to believe they are hiding any items which should be confiscated since they are harmful or inappropriate. (DfE guidance published in 2012 ‘Screening, Searching and Confiscation.’)
Power to discipline beyond the school gate:
The governing body confirm that Criftins CE staff are authorised to use the strategies outlined in this policy to cover the following areas:
• Pupils taking part in school visits; Pupils taking part in school organised after-school activities away from the school site; Pupils taking part in residential visits; Pupils travelling to and from school wearing school uniform and in anyway identifiable as a pupil of the school.
Criftins CE Primary School pupils are well supported, listened to and cared for. We believe in forgiveness and that all pupils can change, grow and develop. We believe that incidents of poor behaviour are junction points for learning and that every day is a NEW DAY. Behaviour should be dealt with on the day it occurs (where possible) and everyone deserves to have a fresh start!
This policy was and approved by the Governing body, November, 2023.
This policy is reviewed annually by the Governing Body and school staff taking into account training and research around behaviour.
Review Date : September, 2024.
Appendix 1 Guidance on Behaviour Rewards and systems at Criftins CE Primary School.
• House points and Class Dojo.
• Verbal praise- Staff talking to pupils about how pleased and proud they are of pupils. Recognition of positive behaviour amongst our school community is both powerful and important.
• Community Celebration Assembly – Pupils receive certificates, stickers and badges for their attitude, commitment, hard work and effort. The focus of certificates is decided by staff and continually changes as the school year develops.
• Criftins Champion– This reward celebrates extra effort, attitude, contribution and excellence, it can be awarded within any lesson.
• Visual Rewards – Include stickers, time with another teacher, notes home and communication with parents.
• Special Task – This is where staff may choose an individual pupil or groups of pupils to be involved in a special task. Being chosen, for many pupils, is reward in itself but also re enforces team ethics, collaboration and co-operation.
• Smart walking – A Criftins special!
• Active listening – Make eye contact, avoid distractions, summarise, ask questions and show interest;
• Legendary Line-ups – Break time and Lunchtime pupil countdowns to successful lining up.
• Meet and Greet – Where staff take time out to welcome pupils into class, into school, in fact at any time throughout the school day.
• Kind hands – Hands are for caring, not hurting.
• Year 6 Prefects as Role Models- Older pupils modelling how movement and interaction throughout the school day should be done.
• Growth Mindset recognises that events are an essential part of growth. That effort and feedback can lead to success and that life is full of opportunity and possibilities.
• Super Spider thinking encourages pupils to concentrate, don’t give up, be co- operative, be curious, use imagination, enjoy learning, keep improving and have a go!