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Criftins Church of England Primary School


October is Black History Month

Why not check out the Summer Reading Challenge at your local library?


Check out some activities here


“This is going to be so cool!” said one Y1 pupil as the Book Swap got underway.

The book swap was buzzing! Every child got to take home a book. “This is going to be so cool!” said one Y1 pupil. There were lots of happy children.

If you have any books you don’t want, bring them in for a swap!

Some of the wonderful entries for our competition:

A gift of Usbone books on health and mental health.

Competition time!  

To celebrate World Book Day 2024 on March 7th, Criftins is holding a competition to redesign the cover of your favourite book. Classes 2-4 should also include a short blurb on the back, explaining why you like the book so much. You can use felt tips, colouring pencils, paints or collage - whatever medium suits your ideas best.


Entries need to be completed by Monday March 4th and handed in to Mrs Long. There will be a £10 Amazon voucher as a prize.

Disability: Visibility!

Booka bookshop in Ellesmere has book clubs for children! Check out the details below.

Curl up with a Classic

Our fabulous librarians

Exploring writers of colour during Black History Month

Our brand new library is open for business!
