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Criftins Church of England Primary School

PE and Sports Action Plan 2016/17

Impact of funding during 2016/17


The sports offer in school continues to grow with more children than ever before competing in sport both inside and outside of school.  We are now able to take B teams to some events locally e.g. hockey and further encourage participation in sport for all.


We achieved the GOLD school games award for the second year running and the school is known locally for its commitment to sport and healthy lifestyles. We have a new coordinator for sport Mrs Sue Palmer, she has taken over the role completely now and has completed her level 5 training as a sports leader. She is hoping to develop the cross country running club next academic year and continue to expand our sports offer. 


The biggest achievement I have noticed as the schools Headteacher is that the interest in and impact of sport is developing further and further down the school.  Children are active, happy and excited about all types of physical activity.  As we see the children rewarded each week in celebration assembly the numbers included in sport are growing all the time.  Inclusion is a priority and the fact that the funding from the Government has been extended and doubled for 2017/18 means that we can continue to extend our sports offer into the future for all our children. 


Thank you to all our parents and staff who continue to support our children in every new venture.



