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Criftins Church of England Primary School


Hebrews 10: Verse 24: Let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds

Criftins CE Primary School is part of Mere's Edge Federation.  The Federation was established in September 2017 and has one strategic Governing Body. 

Have a look at our Mere's Edge Federation website to find out all about our Governing Body.

This link contains all the statutory information about our Governing Body.  If you are interested in becoming a school Governor please get in touch with the chair Mrs Elizabeth Edwards using the contact us form below. 


What is a federation?
A federation, which may be referred to as a formal, ‘hard’ federation, is two or more schools that share a single governing body. The ability to federate is provided for by Section 24 of the Education Act 2002. Unlike amalgamation, where two schools amalgamating would become a single school, schools in a federation retain their identity and category, their name, school budget (if determined to do so by the governing body) and have their own Ofsted Inspection. Governors have joint responsibility for the schools in the federation. The federation is therefore a true partnership as governors work to secure the interests of both schools. 


Why do we think federation is right for our schools? 
One strategic governing body means that schools can work formally together to improve opportunities for children.  
National research on federations has found that the system offers an excellent model for both short term and long term sustainable school improvement whilst being beneficial for pupils and staff of schools involved. 

Federation brings: 

  • Access to a wider peer group, increasing diversity; 

  • Richer curriculum possibilities and facilities, with enrichment opportunities for all pupil groups, including the more able; 

  • Joint visits and activities increasing opportunities; 

  • Strong leadership using more strategic leadership and management structures, allowing school-based leaders to focus on teaching, learning and raising standards;  

  • Opportunities to develop future leaders through mentoring and sharing expertise; 

  • Attractive recruitment opportunities and retention of staff by providing a range of professional development and new career pathways for staff across the federation; 

  • New opportunities for staff to work together, increasing motivation reducing workload and isolation through shared planning and activities; 

  • Ways to maximise the sharing of resources, take advantage of economies of scale and avoid the duplication of resources and effort; 

  • Shared responsibilities and accountabilities for children across communities rather than just within a specific school; 

  • The offer of extended services across schools and a variety of activities, childcare, parent support and community access which an individual school may not be able to provide; and 

  • Community cohesion to help sustain education provision within semi-rural communities.  



The key considerations for the governors are: 

  • Maintaining and improving further our schools' educational standards through effective leadership in both schools which has a relentless focus on delivering high quality teaching and learning opportunities; 

  • Ensuring the individual character of both schools is maintained, recognising their significance in their communities; 

  • Maintaining the strong Christian ethos of both schools; and 

  • Securing long term sustainability. 



Long term vision of the federation: 
As a federation, Cockshutt and Criftins continue to provide an excellent education for all pupils. Our schools are safe, stimulating and happy environments for children, parents and staff. We provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum and expect staff to believe in the ability of all pupils by having high expectations of what they can achieve. Children at our schools experience consistently high quality teaching to enable each child to achieve his or her full potential. We encourage each child to develop a sense of self-esteem, self-discipline, personal responsibility and respect for others. We have high expectations of behaviour. 
The federation fosters an environment of innovation and continuous improvement. Staff are be expected to take ownership of their professional development and engage with the opportunities presented. The two schools exist in a mutually beneficial relationship, sharing resources and building on their respective strengths to deliver a high quality of education for every pupil. 

At each of our meetings we pause for a moment to pray our Governor prayer: 

Our Heavenly Father,
Be with us as we meet
Guide us as we talk
Stay with us as we plan
Open our ears as we listen
Open our eyes to your vision
In Jesus' name 


This helps us to focus as we lead our Church School forward. 


Chair of Governors

Mrs Elizabeth Edwards

Co-opted Governor


Contact our Chair of Governors

If you wish to contact our Chair of Governors please fill in the details below.

Our Governors like to meet with staff at least annually to reflect on our schools and they also enjoy looking at pupil progress in books. Food cooked by our federation kitchen is always a welcome treat.
