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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Heritage Curriculum

Llangollen Heritage Railway Visit

The Young’uns came to Criftins to write and record a song about Hannah Chetwood, an inmate we have researched, from the Ellesmere Workhouse. We named her the Lady of Love Lane.

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Heritage Walk to see the site of the Criftins School fire. This is where the old school was situated before it burnt down. The headmaster’s house still remains, which is called School House.

Learning about William Penny Brookes, a Shropshire man known for the revival of the Olympic Games.

How has childhood in our locality changed over time? Today, we invited members of the community to discuss their experiences of childhood. We wrote a questionnaire for our visitors to answer to find out about the past. We also made them Shrewsbury biscuits.

A wonderful trip to Llangollen for a horse drawn canal trip. We learnt all about the history of the Llangollen canal and its connection with Ellesmere.
