Payments to School
Criftins C of E Primary School is cashless and no longer accepts cash or cheque payments. All payments to school can be made via ParentPay online payment system.
The benefits to parents and the school of using ParentPay are as follows:
Under the legitimate interest, lawful basis within GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), we will add the child's name, parent/carer's name, address, the child’s year group and class to the ParentPay system. We will generate a welcome letter for parents/carers to join ParentPay, which will provide them with a temporary username and password. Once parents join, the username will change to their email address and it will ask for a password of their choice.
If a parent/carer already has a ParentPay account, they can simply add their child by clicking the ‘add a child’ option on the left side of the welcome page. They will still need a welcome letter from the school which includes a username and password to be able to link the child to their account. Once the child is linked, they can continue to use their existing username and password to log into their account.
Once logged into ParentPay, parents/carers can see payment items available for their child, such as school meals, uniform items, school trips, instrument lessons fees etc.
Any questions or support required to set up/use ParentPay, please contact the school office who will be happy to assist.