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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Parent Support

Information from The Public Health Nursing Team 

Information for Parents and children 

You can contact the service on 0333 358 3654 between the hours of 9:30am – 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). 

You may also contact for advice via our CHAT Health text messaging service on: 

School Nurse 07507 330346 

If you have any concerns about the health of your child, please do not hesitate to contact us on either of the numbers above. 

If you have a medical concern, then please contact your GP Surgery during opening hours or NHS 111 for out of hours medical advice. 

For information about child health, behaviour and development please refer to the enclosed contact list. 

Useful Contacts: 

NHS Choices 

Family Information Service – 01743 254 440 

Health For Kids– This website has resources for parents and carers that can help you support your children to be happy and healthy. It also offers fun and engaging ways for children to learn about 

Health For Teens– This website is a great resource for young people; topics covered include sexual health, anxiety, emotional health, lifestyle and more. 

Child Behaviour

Nutrition/ Fussy Eaters

Emotional Health and Wellbeing: 

Emotional Parental Health: 

  • Psychological Therapies –  0300 123 6020.  Severnfields Health Village, Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury SY1 4RQ.  
  • BEAM – 

Sexual Health: 
