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Criftins Church of England Primary School

Futures Week

Futures week is an event which involves individuals from within the world of work to inspire our young people.  We hold the event every two years and make contact with local businesses and industries represented within our parent, carer and friend network.  We believe that this week is an insight into opportunities available to children when they leave school.  Once children have an idea of what they would like to do when they are older they can work towards their goal.  Goals motivate us to do better and reach higher.  It is so important to give children a sense of the big wide world we live in when they are young. 


We are extremely grateful to the individuals who have agreed to be part of our careers events and who have come into school to talk about their jobs and education. 


PSHE - Living in the Wider World

  • about respect for self and others and the importance of responsible behaviours and actions
  • about rights and responsibilities as members of families, other groups and ultimately as citizens
  • about different groups and communities
  • to respect diversity and equality and how to be a productive member of a diverse community
  • about the importance of respecting and protecting the environment
  • about where money comes from, keeping it safe and the importance of managing it effectively
  • the part that money plays in people’s lives
  • a basic understanding of enterprise               



Our careers day was an opportunity for all of the children to engage with a variety of adults from a whole range of professions.  The children and staff were very inspired and completely and utterly engaged in the experience.  We are very grateful to everyone who gave up their valuable time to inspire our young people. We believe the earlier the children can be awakened to new possibilities the better!

Class 2 completed some consumer research in Ellesmere and found out a bit more about what happens in Tesco to keep serving the public.

Y4 visited Ellesmere Yard Heritage with the Canal and River Trust. A step back in time and some work on water safety. All essential to understand where we live. The was part of the ‘Waterside and Saturn Boat Project’. We love sharing learning throughout generations.

AICO adventures for Y4,5,6 once again. A new challenge and a chance to get to see the whole of the business. We are delighted that AICO continue to partner with us.

Visits from inspiring people are always a highlight of Futures Week. This week we had visits from Darren Edwards (Strength Through Adversity) where he shared his world marathon challenge and Ben Smith (401 Challenge). The children enjoyed listening to the stories and getting outside to have a run with Ben. Imagine 401 marathons in 401 days to raise money for anti-bullying charities. Such perseverance.

Dr Olwen Kiff brings a bit of hands on science to the classroom. Class 2 enjoyed this session, working with an expert is great fun!

Andrew Holding, business owner, came to talk to the Y6 pupils about the ways in which we can set up business and how much work and perseverance is involved.

A step into court today for our children. What a wonderful insight from our professional. Making decisions, weighing evidence and following procedures was a challenge for our pupils.
